Monday, March 24, 2014

Golf Clubs and Wildfires

Well, we finally have our first non-Cosmos related post.  It's an interesting one, too, as you can see from this article.   You may know this if you read my other blogs, but I am a very avid golfer.  It's the reason I couldn't resist writing about this.  I suppose I shouldn't be too surprised there are people who will hit off of rocks, but I sure wouldn't.  Not intentionally, anyway.  I've hit my fair share of rocks on accident, and it hurts.  It just seems like common sense to move the ball off the rocks, even if you are bent on following all of golf's many, many rules.

Interesting little side story.  There have been several occasions where I've managed to create sparks off of a driver, simply by hitting the golf ball.  I have no idea why it happens, and it happens only very rarely.  If it had just happened once, and it was just me who saw it, I would just chalk it up to a trick of the light.  But, it's happened multiple times, and I have eye-witnesses.  I haven't started any fires yet, so for now, it's just one of life's little mysteries.

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