Sunday, March 23, 2014

Cosmos Episode 3 Thoughts

Been really busy the past few days, which is why there's two posts in a row about Cosmos.  Trust me, there will be other subjects eventually.  But, onto tonight's episode, which was all about comets and Edmund Halley.  On the surface, this episode didn't seem to say nearly as much as the previous two episodes.  It seemed like a history lesson about comets, which, while interesting, hardly seem worthy of an hour's worth of time, especially considering that the show only has 13 episodes to explore literally all of the universe.

There are some very important things this episode went over.  First off, it gave a voice to a man whose contributions to science have been cut down dramatically.  Edmund Halley was far more than the namesake of the comet.  It also showed that time and time again, history is a fascinating thing.  Who knows what our world would look like if Halley hadn't personally published Newton's book?  So many things in history have come down to one person in the right place at the right time.  Most importantly, it shows that mankind has the capacity for knowledge to triumph over fear.  For most of human history, comets were looked at as bad omens, but the extraordinary persistence and intelligence of a few people conquered that fear.  It has been this way throughout history, and it will continue to be this way.  Mankind will always seek to conquer its fears, and it is important to remember that.

I feel like there's a lot of doom and gloom about mankind's future, I even had a professor flat out tell our class that she thought mankind was doomed.  I don't believe this, I refuse to.  Humanity has a bright future ahead of us, and it's important to always believe that.  Once we stop, that's when mankind is truly doomed.

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