Friday, June 6, 2014

The Search Continues for the Source of All Matter

The Enriched Xenon Observatory, where the experiment took place.
It's one of the great mysteries of the very early universe.  Where did all the matter in the universe come from?  The current theories maintain that equal amounts of matter and antimatter should have been created just after the Big Bang, but obviously, this can't be the case.  There is a lot of matter floating around, but very little naturally occurring antimatter.  The answer to this conundrum could lie in Majorana particles, or particles that act as their own antimatter.  Such particles have been confirmed, but scientists wondered if neutrinos were also Majorana particles.  After a lengthy experiment, we've come up empty.

The lack of results doesn't necessarily prove that neutrinos don't act as their own antimatter particle, but it does make it unlikely.  The article also states that Majorana particles aren't the only way to reconcile the matter-antimatter disparity, of course, that research isn't going any better.  So, the mystery of matter continues on.

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