Monday, June 23, 2014

Physics Now Says The Universe Shouldn't Exist

Discovering the Higgs Boson was a big deal for physics.  However, there may be a problem.  Based on the properties of the boson, current models show that the universe should have collapsed a few seconds after the Big Bang.  The problem is that the universe, in its early expansion phase, should have experienced extreme jittering at the quantum level.  These fluctuations would have disrupted the Higgs field, and brought the infant universe crashing back down on itself.

Obviously, the universe does exist.  We would be having some difficulty right now if it wasn't.  So, there must be something that we're missing that explains why the universe is still here.  The leading idea is supersymmetry, but the entire field is still highly speculative, and there isn't a lot of good observational data yet.  If the Higgs Boson was just a bit heavier, there wouldn't be a problem, but it's just light enough that it can be easily disturbed.  So, hopefully we can figure out what's going on before the universe realizes that it shouldn't exist right now.

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