Wednesday, April 23, 2014

South Carolina Doesn't Want a State Fossil

There are quite a lot of people out there who truly believe that the Earth is only 6,000 years old.  It doesn't matter to them what considerable amounts of scientific data says, they have their beliefs, and they're going to stick to them.  That's fine, people have a right to any opinion they want to have, and freedom of speech is a protected right in this country. 

When something like this happens, however, then we start to have a problem.  In South Carolina, an eight year old girl sent a letter to her state senator wanting to make the woolly mammoth the state fossil, because a mammoth fossil found in 1725 in South Carolina was one of the first fossils ever discovered in North America.  A lot of states have a state fossil, and this request certainly seemed reasonable enough.  However, the bill has been stalled because representatives who are devout creationists have a problem with the whole idea.

This may seem like something trivial, but church and state are supposed to remain separate.  Also, the fact that there are people in government who are willfully imposing beliefs that science has definitively proven wrong is terrible.  People have a right to think or say whatever they want, but we most certainly do not have to take whatever they say seriously.  We don't have to listen, but in today's world, it seems like we have to.  It seems like the right to free speech has become the right to demand your voice be given equal attention.  They're not the same thing, and frankly, that second one might even be dangerous.

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