Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Looking for Dark Energy

European scientists have come up with a potential way to detect dark energy.  Dark energy is a strange thing, even stranger than dark matter.  We know most of the parameters of dark matter, we just haven't been able to actually figure out what it is.  When it comes to dark energy though, we really don't know much.  We know that it's there, and some of its basic properties, but other than that, it's a mystery.

This technique will use slow moving neutrons, which come from a ultracold neutron source.  Neutrons are useful because they carry no electric charge and are only known to interact with gravity.  They might interact with other unknown forces, such as dark energy.  The advantage of the neutron detection method is that it is one hundred thousand times more accurate.  This all means that scientists can now look for dark energy in the lab, a huge step forward in the search for dark energy.

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