Monday, April 7, 2014

Antimatter and Gravity

Antimatter is weird stuff.  There's a reason it features so prominently in science fiction, who know what strange things we may be able to do with it someday.  For now though, we don't know very much about it.  This article details an experiment which seeks to understand a very basic and at the same time rather amusing aspect of antimatter.  Does it fall up or down? 

This sounds like a pretty silly question, but antimatter behaves completely differently than normal matter (obviously), and we actually don't know all that much about gravity either.  The experiment is pretty simple, actually.  The scientists are going to take anti-hydrogen, drop it, and see what happens.  The equipment is incredibly advanced because antimatter is immediately destroyed when it comes into contact with normal matter, but the premise is exactly what you would expect.  I look forward to finding out if antimatter falls up or down.

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