Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Orion Spacecraft Moving to Testing

Hopefully this will one day become more than just an artist's rendition.
Right now, and for the near future, the United States has no means of getting people into space.  Hopefully this will change in the near future as the Space Launch System and the Orion space capsule move into the testing stage.  The space shuttle was a worthy experiment, but an unsuccessful one.  The whole point of a reusable spacecraft was to reduce costs, but launching the shuttle was very expensive.  And while it was useful, it couldn't go very far.  What we need is a new heavy lift rocket capable of sending people not into low Earth orbit, but out into the solar system.  That is the ultimate goal of this new program, and I am looking forward to 2021, which is when manned flights are projected to begin. 

I don't know if the asteroid capture mission will be undertaken by an Orion ship, but of all the potential missions NASA could do, that's the one I want to see the most.  Actually catching an asteroid and bringing back to be studied would be an incredible feat of technology, and of tremendous value to science.  Of course, I'm in favor of anything that brings the wonder of space exploration closer to the average person.  Space is our future, we should get used to it.

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