Thursday, May 15, 2014

Is It Worth Talking About Multiverses?

Recent data has shown considerable evidence in favor of the Big Bang and inflation.  This data can also be seen as supporting evidence for the multiverse theory.  We all sort of know about the multiverse, the theory that says that there is a potentially infinite number of universes out there, playing out every possible scenario.  It's an interesting idea, but unfortunately, as far as we know, that's all it will ever be, just an idea.  That's the issue this article is facing.  Can we even formulate theories on other universes, since in principle we can never actually detect or observe any visible effects from them?

Now, talking about other universes is okay if a theory that adequately explains our universe requires their existence.  That's what the big deal is about with this new data, because part of inflation theories is that many universes should exist.  And it's also okay to talk about something that we can't actually detect, like quarks.  We've never definitively found one, but the behavior of other subatomic particles supports their existence.  But something about the multiverse just doesn't sit right with me.  Maybe I've just heard too many people going on about how this universe could all be a dream, or a simulation.  Well, maybe it is, but there's nothing we can do about it, nothing we can do to affect it, no way to even know if this universe is real or not, so unless somebody finds some strange way of detecting other universes, I just don't see the point of talking about them.  The article does a very good job of discussing the topic, it really is worth the read. 

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