Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Changes In Earth's Magnetic Field

Scientists have suspected for a while that the Earth's magnetic poles were in the middle of shifting, and recent evidence from the Swarm satellite array gives a big boost to that theory.  The magnetic field over the Western Hemisphere has weakened quite considerably in the past six months, while the field has strengthened over the Indian Ocean.  This new data is significant, because it shows that the magnetic field is shifting much quicker than previously believed.  The magnetic field appears to be weakened about five percent a decade, which indicates that a complete magnetic shift is likely in the next couple hundred years.

While a weakening magnetic field will almost certainly have no effect on life itself, our electrical systems could be at risk.  It would probably be good to take some sort of precaution to protect our power infrastructure before the magnetic field flips completely.  That way it prevents any potential disaster down the line.  Will we do that?  Probably not. 

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