Sunday, July 6, 2014

Planetary Beer Series

Do you like astronomy and beer?  Well, so do I.  It's a market that is begging to be opened up, and now, it has been.  Bell's Brewery, which is in one of the best named towns in the world (Kalamazoo), is starting a line of beers inspired by Gustov Holst's famous musical suite, "The Planets", which is of course based on...the planets.  Each beer represents the character given to it in Holst's suite, for example, Mars is a strong double IPA to put one in the mood for war.  We didn't know much about Neptune in the 19th century, it was a bit of a mystery, and so to represent this, Neptune's beer is a mystical stout, whatever that means.  I want to try it just to find out.  And a quick glance at the Wikipedia page says that you can get Bell's Brewery beers here in Pennsylvania.  I'll have to keep a lookout for it.

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